District Five student receives scholarship for summer study in Germany

Dutch Fork High School junior William Tryon has been awarded a scholarship to study German language and culture in Berlin through the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) Global Navigator program.

He will live with a host family for the month of June while he attends intensive language classes and participates in community programs. Tryon will also have the opportunity to earn up to four college credits for his language and cultural studies.

Concerning William and his scholarship, German teacher Frau Bell said, “I am so excited for William. After three years as a student of German, he has been chosen to participate in a full-immersion experience in one of Europe’s most dynamic cities. William will experience the culture of Germany, improve his proficiency in German, and make amazing memories.”

Dutch Fork Principal Dr. Gary added, “We are tremendously proud of William and we wish him success in his studies abroad this summer. This is a great opportunity to gain a different perspective of the world, improve communication skills, and create lasting friendships.”

Tryon is the third student at Dutch Fork High in recent years to be selected for a study abroad scholarship to Germany.

The Global Navigator Scholarship program is the largest study abroad scholarship fund for high school students in the U.S. The high school study abroad scholarships make study abroad opportunities more accessible to more students, which in turn magnifies the positive impact on our world. These selective scholarships are a prestigious honor that can help students stand out on college applications, résumés for career opportunities, and other experiences to come.

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