The 2019 Division I-AA Coaches Pitch Lexington National Allstars have won the state championship and will represent the state of South Carolina in the Dixie Youth Baseball World Series. They will be heading to the World Series in Ruston, Louisiana at the end of the month. Team Members are: EvansContinue Reading

Mia Andrade, a rising Seventh grader at Chapin Middle School qualified for the US Kids Clubs World Championships August 1-3.  “I played well all season and feel confident about my game,” said Andrade.  Players participate during an entire season to accumulate points based on performance to earn the opportunity to competeContinue Reading

By CT McDonald After qualifying for the American Legion Baseball state playoffs again this year, Chapin-Newberry Post 193-24 got the games started on the road Monday against Easley Post 52. Playing this first stage of the postseason in the best-two-of-three format, Chapin-Newberry (CN) and Easley had come to a deadlockContinue Reading

Carolina Springs Middle School’s archery team wrapped up its third year of competition on a high note thanks to support from the community. The season featured archers competing in tournaments locally and around the state, winning five local events. CSMS finished second out of 17 teams at the South CarolinaContinue Reading

Lexington One District Athletic Director (DAD) David Bennett is on the forefront of the changes in student athletics. Since the position was created for Bennett in July 2016, the number of DAD positions has doubled in the Palmetto State from 10 to 20. They all now meet annually in theContinue Reading

By Joe Abdalla   The Lake Murray Seniors Bass Club held its June Tournament out of Billy Dreher Island State Park June 20. Due to a lot of members taking vacations, we had fewer than normal teams fishing. The weather was nice except for the wind which blew the entire day.Continue Reading

Former NFL Great Deion Sanders visited his son Shiloh Sanders this past week at USC. Shilioh is an incoming freshman on the USC Gamecocks Football Team , He will play Defensive Back just like his father. While in Columbia, SC, Deion went out to the indoor facility and worked outContinue Reading

Jim Williams, Jimmy Koosa, Tom Gwenski are PGA HOPE Certified golf professionals in our area. Williams is the Midlands area leader and what this organization focuses on is introducing, developing, and facilitating golf for military Veterans. According to Williams, The PGA Hope Program introduces golf to Veterans with disabilities to enhance theirContinue Reading

By CT McDonald The Chapin-Newberry Post 193/24 American Legion Baseball team is already working through the early games of the 2019 summer schedule. Post 193/24 started regular season games last week at Lexington Post 7 with a 6-3 loss, and then back home at the Newberry College Smith Road SportsContinue Reading

For the first time in school history, Dutch Fork High School’s baseball team clinched its first baseball state championship. The Silver Foxes outscored Blythewood, 2-1, Friday to win the South Carolina High School League (SCHSL) Class 5A championship at the home of the Columbia Fireflies, Segra Park. The Silver FoxesContinue Reading