Support our teachers

During these uncertain times, the school dilemma is of great concern to many parents, teachers and students. Virtual learning presents difficulties for almost everyone. But attendance inside the school buildings is equally problematic due to fears about illness from the virus. We all feel for families trying to juggle jobs, child care, technology, homework, social isolation and not knowing what the future holds.

In this pandemic, we have all come to greatly appreciate our teachers – Jimmy Fallon said we need to kiss their feet every day and pay them a billion dollars every day! Surely would be nice if that were possible. They have experienced tremendous stress, anxiety, and a lot of work over the summer to be prepared to teach some lessons in person as well as virtually and then preparing to teach many lessons in ways they have never taught them before. Searching for creative resources, designing lessons that are enticing and motivating while meeting the rigorous South Carolina academic standards electronically is an enormous task for them every day. Big pay raises would be desirable and well-earned but regretfully not possible. We will all be so happy when life and school return to normal. That will eventually happen but maybe not soon. In the meantime, we can help support our teachers.

The District 5 Foundation is sponsoring an event on Oct 3 which will donate every penny to grants for our teachers to use as they prepare innovative learning activities. The more the Foundation raises, the more will be given to teachers. The event, Paddling for Teachers, is open to anyone wanting to join the team that will paddle from Timberlake to the Lake Murray dam. For the rest of us who are not paddlers, donations to sponsor this event will go directly to teacher grants. Everyone can support our teachers in this way with any small or large amount.

To support our teachers a check can be written to the District 5 Foundation and put Paddling for Teachers in the “for” line. Or the check can be written to Paddling for Teacher. Mail checks to the District 5 Foundation at PO Box 129, Ballentine, SC, 29002.

If you wish to contribute on-line, contact Joy Rambo, Foundation Secretary, at [email protected] .

Thanks to the Irmo News for earlier coverage of this upcoming event.

Mary Kennerly, vice president, District 5 Foundation

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