The COMET asks for public input

What should the future of public transit look like in the Central Midlands region? The COMET wants the community to help decide by responding to two concepts of what a new bus network could look like. Both concepts show how The COMET bus network could be run differently within its existing budget.

The two concepts and the public response to them is part of the first phase of the Reimagine The COMET planning process. This is a two-year planning study led by The COMET in partnership with many community partners, to analyze the current The COMET bus network and recommend changes to the system.

Over the next two months, The COMET invites the public to learn more about these two concepts by reading more at its project website, participating in public meetings, and taking the public survey (available at the project website). The COMET will be engaging the public in multiple ways from November 12 through December 31 to get responses from riders and the general public.

The COMET will host virtual public meetings December 2, from noon to 1 pm and December 9 from 6 – 7 pm to explain the concepts and answer questions. The COMET’s consultant team staff will also be meeting bus riders and the public at various events to ask about these concepts with a paper version of this survey. Details for participating in these public meetings are available at the project website The COMET and its partners will continue to engage the community in future phases of the study with new questions and new information about what transit options are possible.

To stay involved in the Reimagine The COMET study, join the email list at

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