By Curtis Loftis South Carolina State Treasurer It goes fast, doesn’t it? Just when you’re comfortable with the back-to-school routine, here come the holidays. Take a deep breath and enjoy the season – 2024 version. But once the decorations are packed up and the wrapping paper is in the trash,Continue Reading

By Mike DuBose I’ve spent a lot of time trying to comprehend what really happened the night that I saw Ole Saint Nick. When I share my experience with friends and psychologist colleagues, they provide all types of explanations for how I “perceived” that I saw him. Santa Claus, whileContinue Reading

One man’s fear is another man’s career. By Tom Come the cold, dormant months, few snakes, if any, are out and about. Perhaps winter makes a good time to read about the critters many fear. You know, the only good snake is a dead snake. The irrational fear ofContinue Reading

By State Treasurer Curtis Loftis People with a disability and their families know that simply navigating life can come with a high price tag. On average, the cost of living with a disability is 28 percent higher than without. Needs such as medical care, specialized equipment, assistive technology, adaptive housing,Continue Reading

By Tom Poland, A Southern You won’t find my mother’s secret to this recipe. It’s in the story. Photo by Debra Poland When I heard Hurricane Helene destroyed some 42,000 pecan trees in Georgia, I thought of my mother and my last pecan pie, not the last ever, butContinue Reading

By Tom Poland, A southern writer. From church to home, an antique pew escaped Helene and found new life. Sunday service is a time when the pulpit, piano, and organ assume major roles. Add Bible and hymnal to the list. Pews, however, get overlooked. Thus, I turn my attention toContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose with Dermatologist Allison Cashman, MD During our interviews, a heartbroken mother described how her 40-year-old daughter, with young teenagers, was dying from melanoma. The disease originated with an innocent-looking mole, until the colors changed from an even-toned tan to a concoction of tan, black, red, and white.Continue Reading

By Tom Poland: A Southern Writer The weather experts predict a warmer winter than usual. That assures me we’ll get snow this winter. Meteorology is the science of studying the atmosphere’s processes and phenomena. Remember the projected path of Helene? Tells you a lot. How would you like toContinue Reading