Central Carolina Community Foundation invites Richland and Lexington County residents to join a community-focused, conversation-based initiative by hosting a virtual or socially distanced gathering during On the Table. Previously a day of conversations, On the Table has been expanded to a full week, October 4-10. Register to be a hostContinue Reading

South Carolina businesses and human resource professionals will be gathering online in October to learn how to close the disability employment gap and build a disability-inclusive workforce. The Employer Summit, an annual event held by Hire Me SC, will be held online this year on October 7, from 9:30 amContinue Reading

The Stivers Chevrolet Big Bass Tournament will be held September 27 out of Dreher Island State Park. The tournament will benefit the SC Troopers Association’s Foundation Fund which is a 501-C-3 tax deductible foundation. Stivers Chevrolet has donated the payback to anglers. The other sponsors are Palmetto State Armory ofContinue Reading

Friday Night Laser Lights at the South Carolina State Museum returns with health and safety precautions in place this Friday, August 21. There will be shows featuring lasers and CGI visuals choreographed to music by Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd inside the museum’s 55ft digital dome BlueCross BlueShield of SouthContinue Reading

The Girl Scouts kicked off a countdown to the 2021 Girl Scout Cookie season with the announcement of a new cookie in the upstate and midlands of South Carolina and other select areas: Toast-Yay, a French toast–inspired cookie dipped in icing. Amid challenging world events and a global pandemic thisContinue Reading

As more people continue to work from home, and summer weather encourages do-it-yourselfers to work on outdoor improvement projects, it’s more critical than ever to remember to call 811 and to dig safely. In observance of National 811 Day on August 11, Dominion Energy South Carolina underscored the importance ofContinue Reading

Sisters in Crime (SinC) has announced the 2020 winner of the annual Eleanor Taylor Bland Crime Fiction Writers of Color Award is Yasmin McClinton of Columbia. The winning novel-in-progress was selected by judges Rachel Howzell-Hall, Alex Segura and the 2019 winner, Jessica Martinez. The award, which honors the memory ofContinue Reading

Today, Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement announcing this year’s Annual Bus Tour of South Carolina’s Second District:    “I always look forward to the Annual Bus Tour of South Carolina’s Second District. This year we have faced unprecedented times so, I will be visiting businesses and organizations inContinue Reading