For more than 60 years, Dr. Seuss’s illustrations have brought a visual realization to his fantastic and imaginary worlds. His artistic talent went far beyond the printed page and yet, to this day, his Secret Art Collection is virtually unknown to the general public. Throughout his lifetime, Theodor Seuss GeiselContinue Reading

Multiples of the Midlands (The MoM Club) will host its fall/winter consignment sale this Saturday, August 6 from 7 am to noon. The M.O.M. Sale is held bi-annually, featuring gently-used items for children at greatly reduced prices. Organized by volunteer members of The MoM Club, shoppers will find a varietyContinue Reading

Sales Tax Holiday Weekend August 5-7 Computers, clothes, school supplies, and a variety of other items can be bought free of Sales Tax during South Carolina’s annual 72-hour Sales Tax Holiday. The 2022 Tax Free Weekend takes place August 5, through August 7. The South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR)Continue Reading