More than 550 cadets, active duty and veteran students now proudly wear The Citadel class ring. The Class of 2022 marched across Summerall Field, directly into Summerall Chapel, where the rings were presented on Friday, Oct. 1. Local cadets who received their rings include: Benjamin Nicholson of Lexington, South CarolinaContinue Reading

The South Carolina State Museum will be offering Halloween fun for guests and members. Kids are invited to get creative and visit in costume for Spooky Saturdays on October 23 and 30. Kids (aged 3 – 12) in costume will receive free general admission on both Saturdays. Guests can enjoyContinue Reading

By W. Thomas Smith Jr. United States Senator Tim Scott, ranking member of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, praised Project H.O.P.E., a program of the Richland County Sheriff’s Department (RCSD), as a model for elderly outreach and assistance which might be implemented by other agencies, nationwide. Scott’s remarksContinue Reading

The Richland County Election Commission has released updated polling location information regarding the special election for a vacant seat on the Lexington-Richland School District Five School Board. Precincts are in Irmo and Chapin areas. Check for candidate information, your voting status, and polling location. The following precincts and polling places will beContinue Reading

The 152nd South Carolina State Fair returns October 13-24, with a full lineup of traditional favorites and a variety of new rides, foods, entertainment and the return of the CIRCUS at the Fair and the Celebration Super Wheel. The S.C. State Fair is committed to bringing a safe 12-day eventContinue Reading

The South Carolina State Museum is set to welcome the fall with new and returning shows, plus a newly opened exhibition. Guests are invited to travel to Mars, learn about Earth’s diverse habitats, race to escape Dracula in 4D, and explore how the museum builds and maintains its collection ofContinue Reading

Lexington County Master Gardener Volunteers will be holding a Fall 2021 Plant Sale October 8 – 10 at the SC State Farmer’s Market. Visit them and shop plants grown by local certified Clemson Master Gardeners. Find the unusual, rare and exotic plants not available in the big box stores. SelectionsContinue Reading