By Dr. Akil Ross After the recent tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, our nation mourns the loss of 19 children and 2 teachers in what is becoming a more frequent reality than an infrequent occurrence. School leaders across the country grapple with the question of how to assure students, parents, teachers,Continue Reading

A team of Clean Energy Technology students from the Center for Advanced Technical Studies (The Center) had the pleasure of participating in a walk-through energy audit of Chapin Middle School. This audit was to teach the students how to identify and resolve issues regarding energy loss and conservation as well as potential money-saving opportunities. The audit was ledContinue Reading

The South Carolina Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (SCNSPRA) celebrated the effectiveness of 119 programs and projects from across the state at its annual Rewards for Excellence awards ceremony on May 13 in Columbia. This program recognizes outstanding communications and public relations efforts by South Carolina schools,Continue Reading

Several Lexington-Richland School District Five students won awards in the annual SC Economics Challenge held by the SC Council of Economic Education at the Darla Moore School of Business. The SC Economics Challenge is a state-wide competition open to high school students in grades 9-12. There are two divisions, AdamContinue Reading

The Celebrate Freedom Foundation (CFF) STEM Education Program visited several schools in Lexington-Richland School District Five to emphasize the importance of STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in middle schools and high schools. CFF has been visiting schools for 10 years. The program’s mission is to help build aContinue Reading

Students from Dutch Fork High School received awards during the South Carolina Technology Student Association competition (SCTSA) Conference in March at the Academy for Arts, Science, and Technology in Myrtle Beach. The Technological Student Association (TSA) is a non-profit organization of high school student members who are interested in STEAM-relatedContinue Reading

The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) has partnered with the South Carolina Afterschool Alliance (SCAA) to provide up to $14.5 million in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding to expand summer and after-school programs to address COVID-19 related learning loss in disadvantaged communities. The SCDE will provideContinue Reading

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, an event was held at Chapin High School on May 4, to celebrate Amy Carter, who was recently recognized as the 2022 Teacher of Year by The Council of Chief State School Officers. The event, hosted by Equitable, a national financial services company withContinue Reading