By: State Treasurer Curtis Loftis There’s no escaping the hustle and bustle of December. Even if you love gift shopping, Christmas music, and holiday parties, the end of the year is often nothing short of exhausting. While I know the most wonderful time of the year is probably also yourContinue Reading

In the true spirit of giving, Richland County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) continued a heartwarming holiday tradition on December 6th. For the seventh consecutive year, the EMS team rallied the community to participate in their “Stuff an Ambulance” campaign, delivering an abundance of toys, clothing, and other essentials to benefitContinue Reading

By Sarah Ostergaard For so many reasons, December is a time of reflection and celebration. As 2023 comes to a close, let us pause and thank school faculty, staff, and administration who love and grow our community’s children. Our schools are community hubs, collaborating with families in support of studentContinue Reading

It’s heartwarming to hear about Wayne Damron’s commitment to spreading the message of “Merry Christmas” and ensuring that Christ is not left out of the holiday season. The distribution of over 5,000 magnetic bumper stickers annually, with the aim of encouraging the use of “Merry Christmas,” reflects his dedication toContinue Reading