The Capital City Lake Murray Tourism Board has named Ashley Berry from the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism its Volunteer of the Year, and Jana Medlin from Wingate by Wyndham as its Partner of the Year. Photo: Jana Medlin, Wingate by Wyndham – Partner of the YearContinue Reading

A Charleston mom recently saved the life of her baby, all because of a piece of advice she received from a fellow mom. Katherine Jones heard about the importance of paying attention to her baby’s movements in the third trimester from her friend Danielle Barkley. Danielle lost her daughter LydiaContinue Reading

Ron Anderson, Chairman of The COMET Board of Directors, announced The COMET Board has voted to re-bid the Fixed Route and Paratransit Program Contract which is currently held by Transdev Services, Inc of Lombard, Illinois. They are responsible for employing the drivers, performing the maintenance of the busses and otherContinue Reading

Aug. 30, 2019 – The South Carolina Department of Social Services’ Employee of the Month Program recognizes staff whose work exemplifies our core principles: Competence, Courage and Compassion. Rocky Havird, Technology Services Site Engineer, Columbia area, was recently named an Employee of the Month. “I was humbled and very appreciative,”Continue Reading

Mr. Gantt says that the District 5 board needs to work together. Well, unfortunately, his idea of working together is everyone thinks and votes the way he wants. He asserts alot, but the wise people in the district will not believe it just because he says it’s so. I haveContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five has named a new director of facilities operations for the district. Clay Cannon, a professional engineer, will take the role, beginning September 23. Prior to accepting a position in School District Five, Cannon served as vice president and partner of midlands-based engineering firm RB Todd &Continue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five is hosting an inaugural parenting conference, Strengthening Families, on September 14. The free conference is facilitated by School District Five social workers and family educators. The conference is open to all families in School District Five and will feature speakers, breakout sessions, lunch, giveaways and childContinue Reading

Sharing God’s Love is hosting their annual golf tournament on September 9th,  at the Spur at Northwoods. Richie Eisenman shared that “We have great support from our sponsors making this tournament a wonderful event for the golfers”. All proceeds go to the benefit of our local charity. If you areContinue Reading