Sharing all the love

Amanda and her brother Matt have a chiropractic practice in Irmo called Midlands Family Chiropractic. But before that, they were OUR superstars.

Jeff embarked on his first field trip to the zoo while he was in kindergarten. I was a nervous wreck worrying that no one would sit next to him on the bus or even acknowledge him as they toured the zoo. Seconds, after he sat down on the bus, up walked this adorable girl (Amanda) with a big bright smile and sat down beside him while chatting away. Unbeknownst to me, the chaperone with whom I was sitting was Amanda’s mom, Christine. She became an assistant in Jeff’s special Ed class and later, with a master’s degree under her belt, became one of his high school teachers.

Amanda and her brother, Matt, became respite providers who cared for Jeff and many of his peers so that parents could enjoy an evening out or a much-needed vacation.

Amanda, Matt, Christine and Mr. Boyeson (Jeff’s stalwart CiCi’s Pizza companion_ were initially lifelines, giving many other families and us a safe place for our children to have wonderful experiences in a home filled with love and laughter allowing us to have a little time to ourselves.

It didn’t take long for this family of ‘lifelines’ to become our extended family. I can’t imagine what life would be without them. We love each and every one of you! Thank you for enriching all our lives.

Peggy Marks

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