Mullikin received three unanimous confirmations in run-up to new post   By W. Thomas Smith Jr.     Dr. Tom Mullikin – acclaimed global expedition leader, attorney, university professor, retired two-star military commander, and founding chair of the S.C. Floodwater Commission – began his first full day in office asContinue Reading

Whitney Ann Wilks and Nicholas Alexandru Goodwin, both of Chapin, South Carolina, are excited to announce their engagement. The couple will be married on Saturday, December 21, 2024, at Gateway Baptist Church. The ceremony will begin at 4:00 p.m. and will be officiated by Pastor Don Brock. A reception willContinue Reading

West Columbia, S.C. – Moore Bradley Myers is pleased to announce that Callee Liscusky Jumper has joined the firm as an associate attorney. She graduated from the University of South Carolina School of Law in 2021, receiving the CALI Award for Future Excellence in the study of Civil Litigation Capstone.Continue Reading

At the March 19 board meeting, the Lexington County School District One Board of Trustees proudly announced the appointment of Clark Cooper as the district’s new Chief Operations and Student Services Officer. Cooper, currently serving as the district’s Executive Director of Student Services and Interim Executive Director of Operations, bringsContinue Reading

WEST COLUMBIA, SC – Moore Bradley Myers (MBM) proudly introduces John C. Bradley, Jr. as the firm’s newly appointed Managing Partner. A native of South Carolina, John C. Bradley, Jr. specializes in representing hospitals, physicians, nurses, and pharmacists in Professional Licensure Disputes & Disciplinary Actions cases at both state andContinue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. It’s a new era of athletic leadership at Gilbert High School. For eight years, the school had thrived with Chad Leaphart as both athletics director and head football coach. With his departure last December to replace David Bennett as Lexington School District One’s District Athletics Director,Continue Reading

The South Carolina Dance Association (SCDA), a distinguished arm of the South Carolina Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (SCAHPERD), proudly announces the appointment of Sara Monts as its new president. A seasoned dance educator from Nursery Road Elementary School-Arts Magnet, Monts brings a wealth of experience andContinue Reading