By Eileen Renders Most of us over 60 have heard that old rhyme: “The thigh bone is connected to the leg bone, the leg bone is connected to the ankle bone, etc.” A similar analogy can be expressed whenever we voice concern over the ear, nose, or throat, as theyContinue Reading

By Eileen Renders There are no answers, according to the National Cancer Institute, as to why some people develop cancer, and others do not. They do note that there are cancer risk factors that involve exposure to certain chemicals or other substances, including specific lifestyle habits that play a role.Continue Reading

By Eileen renders You may know someone who has recently had stomach flu. It is also called gastroenteritis. Notice the ending “it is” that always indicates inflammation. This norovirus can have a sudden onset and can cause intense pain with stomach cramping pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is important toContinue Reading

By Eileen Renders Many of us as we begin to age ask ourselves at the first symptoms of joint pain, do I have rheumatoid arthritis, or could it be osteoid arthritis, and what is the difference? Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, and Osteoarthritis is not. Rheumatoid arthritis affects theContinue Reading

By Eileen Renders Celiac disease is not an allergy, it is a gluten intolerance whereby one’s body does not recognize or tolerate white, flour, barley, or rye. When ingested it can cause a high level of inflammation and damage to the intestines, such as indigestion or as serious as pancreatitis.Continue Reading

By Eileen Renders When we think of feelings it brings to mind thoughts of love, anger, sadness, loneliness, regret, joy, and a host of autonomic or spontaneous emotions such as happiness that lifts us and we spend the day smiling at whomever we meet or emotions that trigger thoughts ofContinue Reading

By Eileen Renders Much of the information contained in this article has been provided to us on their website Because the information on this topic is extensive, I am cutting to the bone with what we all need to know about good nutrition, and why it is so important toContinue Reading

By Eileen Renders We all mature into different personalities with diverse interests, talents, abilities, and goals. I want to direct your interest right now, however, on a topic we all share in common. Regardless of our differences, we all require energy, inspiration, and the ability to achieve our goals. Therefore,Continue Reading

By Eileen Renders Much of the information contained in this article has been provided to us on the website Because the information on this topic is extensive, I am cutting to the bone with what we all need to know about good nutrition, and why it is so importantContinue Reading