Ok, Husbands and wives, friends and lovers are you ready for the annual LMYRA couples Race?
This race can be a real test of teamwork between husband and wife, friends, lovers or a test of their relationship depending on their experience and approach to the racing and sailing in general. The results are always fun to watch.
LMYRA Summer evening series
Results Race #3
Sorry – my press deadline is 6 pm Monday evening and by that time no results for LMYRA Summer Evening Race Series Race #3 had not been posted, So I’ll post Race #3 results next week.
Coming events on the Inland Sea
LMYRA- The Lake Murray Yacht Racing Association
Summer night racing series
July 21 – Couples Race
July 28 – Evening Race #4
Columbia Sailing Club
July 16 – 20 – Summer Camp Session6
July 17 – 6:15-8:15 WOW Session 2
July 18– Wednesday Night Race 6:20-8:35
The Lake Murray Sailing Club
Club events:
Wednesdays – 6 pm, Sail N Grill
July 21 – 1 pm Rodesiler Series
August 4 – Flying Scot BHC
Youth- Lake Murray Sailing Assoc.
July 23 – 28 – Youth Sailing Clinic
Safety thought for this week:
Safety being first and foremost on the water I try to touch some element of the overall boating safety picture; this week it is electrical and battery maintenance.
I believe every boat on our Inland Sea should have two batteries with the following:
- (1) A Perko Switch that permits switching from the starter battery to the backup battery.
- (2) A 15 watt solar charger on each battery to keep them both hot when not in use.
Then there is the matter of routine battery maintenance: Keep the battery terminals and all primary wiring clean and corrosion free.
FYI: there are spray corrosion fighter chemicals available at auto parts stores.
And lastly keep the battery fluid levels topped up with distilled (not tap) water.
Please always think about safety when Boating, Sailing or trailing.
For your own safety’s sake please consider the safety, maintenance, seamanship and navigation courses and seminars offered by the Lake Murray Power Squadron and the Lake Murray United State Coast auxiliary.
To contact the Lake Murray Power Squadron go to their website at http://lmpsonline.org.
The best contact information for the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 12-3 please check their website at www.uscgauxiliary.us the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary for Lake Murray is flotilla 12-3.
Please also consider joining and supporting The Lake Murray Association, the only group working to maintain the quality of the water of our favorite Inland Sea.
Until next week –I hope to see you on the water.