In our weekly travels: Chapin, South Carolina – The Capital of Lake Murray home of the Labor Day parade

This year the Town of Chapin is out of the front-page news now that Mayor David Knight as “calmed” the local political scene.
The Town of Chapin is well worth visiting for the stores, restaurants, coffee shops, and one great art gallery.
There are many great places to eat ranging from La Fogata Mexican restaurant to Hardees, which also serves as the unofficial senior citizens’ social center.
Beaufort Street has a group of unique stores along with The Tipsy Toad Bar and Grill is the entertainment center for the millennial crew.
If you are looking for a fun place to spend a day visit Chapin.
LMYRA Race Results – in case you are wondering why I have not published the race results for the summer evening series, the couples race and the single handed race I cannot get the results.
I’ve been told that the results for the single handed championship, the Couples race and races 1-4 of the summer series can be found at I tried the site and no luck, so please let me know if you have the results so I can post them. Thanks, JIB
Coming Events on the Inland Sea
LMYRA – The Lake Murray Yacht Racing Association
Fall schedule not yet posted
Lake Murray Sailing Club
September 7, 1 pm – Rodesiler series race
September 14 -15 – Annual Bottoms Up Regatta
September 21, 1 pm – Rodesiler series race
October 4 – 6 – San Juan 21 National Championship.
Columbia Sailing Club
Wednesday Night Races at 6:30 pm
Dinghy Races Thurs Night at 6:30 pm
September 7 – LMYRA Fall Race at 11 am
September 8 – Fall Dinghy Series at 2 pm
September 14 -15 – LMYRA Leukemia Cup Regatta
A closing note:
Please make it a point to always think about safety whether boating, fishing, sailing or trailing.
No matter how long you have been on the water it will always be a good idea to take one of the boating safety and maintenance courses offered by the Lake Murray Power Squadron at and/or the Lake Murray Coast Guard Auxiliary.
Also Please join and support the Lake Murray Association which is the only group working on a regular basis to help maintain the quality on life on our favorite Inland Sea and Lake Murray Association the only organization doing water quality studies on the Inland Sea.
I hope to see you on the water