Overview The House gaveled to a close this week after dozens of bills and the Sine Die Resolution passed both the House and Senate. This was the first year of a two-year session that focused primarily on transformative education reform, presenting a balanced and efficient budget, solutions for Santee Cooper,Continue Reading

Overview I hope everyone had a great spring break and Easter weekend. With two weeks left of session and the crossover deadline behind us, we have a busy few weeks ahead as we begin to take up bills from the Senate. Heartbeat Bill Passes The Heartbeat Bill, H. 3020, passedContinue Reading

Students from the Electrical Technologies class from the Center for Advanced Technical Studies (The Center) did a field study at Portrait Hill Subdivision in Chapin March 6. In conjunction with APEX Electric and Mungo Homes, students from the electrical class were able to apply what they have learned in class toContinue Reading

FASTSIGNS® of Columbia – Harbison Blvd, a local sign and visual graphics provider, was recognized as a top performing center at the 2019 FASTSIGNS Convention held in Orlando, Florida. Owned by Gerry Brossard, FASTSIGNS of Columbia – Harbison Blvd received the Pinnacle Club Award, which is given to centers rankedContinue Reading

Letter to the Editor: Don Carlson I feel like I’m on a somewhat literary vacation. How You Ask! In the last weeks Lake Murray News Ms. Miriam Johnson, PhD, MSW, MS and presumably BS, gave us a litany of reasons as to why she did or did not hate PresidentContinue Reading

The 2018-19 season became memorable for another reason Thursday for the Lexington boys’ basketball team. After 32 seasons and a combined 6 state championships in two sports, head coach Bailey Harris announced plans to leave the program following the Wildcats’ playoff run. He told the team following practice for Saturday’sContinue Reading

This week was another busy week in Columbia. Progress was made on the comprehensive education reform bill and this year’s budget was successfully passed out of the Ways and Means Committee. The 2019-2020 budget is built on the foundation of protecting taxpayers, a renewed commitment to being resourceful and efficient,Continue Reading