By Al Dozier The Lexington County Republican Party passed two resolutions at a March 7 meeting to censure West Columbia City Councilman Mike Green. The first resolution alleges that Green “has been taunting, harassing, and yelling at others” during Lexington County meetings. Those actions came after he had received anContinue Reading

March 23rd – March 25th the House was not in session in Columbia, giving me time back to meet with local groups and constituents and catch up on time with the family. (As well as focus on the job that pays the bills: Movement Mortgage). We returned to Columbia MarchContinue Reading

I am pleased to report that last week the House of Representatives State Budget passed overwhelmingly with a bipartisan vote of 108 in favor to only 7 against A lot of hard work and effort went into creating this budget with hundreds of hours of committee meetings, subcommittee meetings, andContinue Reading

Representative Nathan Ballentine – District 71 Richland – filed for re-election on March 16. Ballentine was elected to the House of Representatives in 2005 defeating the 16-year incumbent, Rick Quinn, who was currently serving as the House Majority Leader.    Ballentine currently serves on the Ways and Means Committee andContinue Reading

State Representative Chip Huggins, serving District 85-Lexington County, will not seek re-election and has announced his retirement from the South Carolina House of Representatives after more than twenty-three years of service.  First elected in 1999, Rep. Huggins is currently Chairman of the House Regulations and Administrative Procedures Committee and servesContinue Reading

Free, fair, and secure elections strengthen public confidence in electoral institutions and give efficacy and legitimacy to our democracy. Our democratic system is what makes America great, setting us apart from countries around the world. We recently learned about nonuniformity in elections around our state.  The South Carolina House isContinue Reading

For the past few weeks, my colleagues and I have dedicated an enormous amount of time and energy to lay the foundation for this year’s state budget. We have focused on finding the best ways to use our state’s surplus funds, the federal ARPA funding, and dollars we’ve received forContinue Reading