By Congressman Joe Wilson Coronavirus Resources Our country is still working to recover from the pandemic and it is important to stay healthy and safe. Please continue following Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines to help keep you, your family, and your friends protected against this disease. If you orContinue Reading

After the fast and furious week of meeting the crossover deadline, this week, the House returned to work… much of the work being done in committees and subcommittees. Here are a few highlights from legislation we dealt with. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about what we areContinue Reading

Maintaining the Integrity of our Elections This week, I voted in favor of legislation (H.3444) regarding our state’s election laws. This legislation has two goals: one, to maintain the integrity of each and every vote cast, and two, to ensure elections are run consistently across the state. After the electionsContinue Reading

2021-22 State Budget This week, the House Ways and Means Committee worked diligently putting the final touches on our state’s budget to send to the full House for consideration. The Committee unanimously passed a conservative bill that will likely hit the floor the week of March 22nd for debate. WeContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement:   “This $1.9 trillion budget reconciliation package is nothing more than another wasteful wish list. This embarrassing legislation put forth by Democrats would use taxpayer dollars for frivolous big city projects and keep our schools closed as students continue to suffer. We mustContinue Reading

February is Black History Month. This month, we celebrate the accomplishments and contributions made by Black Americans, who make our country and state a great place to live. Today, we want to highlight the highly respected and loved Representative Gilda Cobb-Hunter. Rep. Cobb-Hunter is the longest serving member of theContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement:   “Roxanne and I send our prayers to the family and friends of Rush Limbaugh. Rush’s enthusiasm, intelligence, and dedicated insight for American exceptionalism into so many important issues of our time made him a major force in broadcast journalism saving thousands ofContinue Reading

This week, we wrapped up the fourth week of the 2021 session. I am happy to report progress was made – from appointing new judges, to improving how we vaccinate our citizens, to advancing other legislation many of you have contacted me about in the past. With the state budgetContinue Reading

This week we reconvened in Columbia after a week of virtual meetings. I am glad to report much progress was made this week for our state, from improving the expediency and transparency behind the COVID-19 vaccination process, resolving the issue of Santee Cooper, to improvements in education and teacher pay,Continue Reading

The newsletter on my work in Congress as the Representative for South Carolina’s Second District. Coronavirus Resources Our country is still working to recover from the pandemic and it is important to stay healthy and safe. Please continue following Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines to help keep you, yourContinue Reading