We make a significant investment in our children through the public school systems. We expect the educational standards to be high, but we also expect for the philosophical standards to represent the highest form of American values. Among those values are “color-blindness,” “equality,” and “merit”: values that exemplify the DeclarationContinue Reading

It is truly disappointing that 3 former Superintendents and 2 former Board Chairmen from Richland/Lexington School District 5, that I thought really cared about our District, would lodge a complaint based on inaccurate information. And, then send it to the State paper before Dr. Ross even had an opportunity to seeContinue Reading

Open Letter I am writing to you as a frustrated educator, parent, taxpayer, and voter. Several months ago, I reached out with concerns regarding what was happening in Richland-Lexington School District 5. At that time, I said I felt that without corrections, we would lose our superintendent Dr. Christina Melton.Continue Reading

Open Letter The June 12 District Five board meeting began with a trustee’s reprimand of the Director of Communications for not sufficiently celebrating our new superintendent. Trustee Ken Loveless expressed disapproval that, “there was very little recognition on the district website and next to no fanfare in the community and theContinue Reading

Open Letter As Chair of the Lexington/Richland District 5 School Board, I want to assure our community that District 5 is moving forward. We will be concentrating on the well-being of all our students. We will seek, and encourage, teacher input as we set our goals and vision for theContinue Reading

Lexington County has deteriorated thanks to so many subdivisions thrown up too quickly without rhyme or reason. We don’t have enough emergency services to handle the explosion, and roads cannot provide delivery of those we have. First responders cannot get through. Without side roads, and with the nature of lakeContinue Reading

We were “that” family, the family that everyone knew and thought of as the “perfect” family in our community. While we couldn’t imagine something like this happening to us, we could no longer deny our son’s drug addiction. It was no longer something that happened to other people, it wasContinue Reading

There have been numerous accusations made about sitting District 5 school board trustees accepting campaign donations through the years from firms who are or could potentially do business with the school district. I have been watching this closely, because even though the SC Ethics Commission allows and places a limitContinue Reading

Dear Editor, Congressman Joe Wilson’s slogan Joe Means Jobs is very appropriate in my opinion. My grandson asked me, ten years ago, when he was eight years old, who this Joe Means Jobs guy was. I explained to him who Joe was and what he means to SC. Ever sinceContinue Reading