USA Bass is excited to announce that Charlie Evans and Anthony Gagliardi will be coaching the USA Bass Team at the 2022 Bass Fishing World Championship. These experienced anglers will provide leadership and strategy to our USA Bass Team that will be competing onLake Murray this fall. “Charlie and AnthonyContinue Reading

By CT McDonald While Chapin’s varsity boys soccer team prepares for the 5A state finals this week, other local area teams have also advanced through their respective postseason tournaments. The Eagles recorded two shutouts in the run-up to this week’s semifinal round, and then won that on Monday to advanceContinue Reading

The Ben Lippen 2021 Varsity Competitive Cheerleading Team SCISA Class 3A State Champions were recognized & congratulated at the Statehouse on Wednesday, April 27,2021! Pictured Below: Ben Lippen Varsity Competitive Cheerleading Team, Head Coach Ellen Jennings, Asst. Coaches – Beth Bearden & Cory Karl, Athletic Director Shannon Glenn, Representative ChrisContinue Reading

By CT McDonald Lacrosse playoffs kicked off this week, and some District Five varsity teams are already getting results in the postseason competition. Dutch Fork’s varsity girls recorded only one region loss during the regular season and they started the playoffs Tuesday with a 16-6 win against Socastee to advanceContinue Reading

By CT McDonald All three of the District Five varsity baseball teams are competing in tournaments this week, with the few remaining region games just ahead. Dutch Fork and Chapin are playing in the South Carolina Diamond Invitational hosted by Blythewood High School. The event runs Tuesday through Saturday withContinue Reading

The 2021 Class 5A State Champion Chapin High School  Competitive Cheer Team was recognized at the Statehouse on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. This is their 3rd State Title since moving to Class 5A & 16th in School history. Pictured:  Chapin Competitive Cheer Team, Head Coach Vicki Williams, Asst. Coach BillieContinue Reading

Dillon Bradshaw Harris recently signed with Bob Jones University for collegiate basketball. Harris is a 2022 Honors Graduate with a 4.75 GPA and 1230 SAT score at Northside Christian Academy where he was a member of the National Honor Society. Harris qualified for the South Carolina Independent School Association All-RegionContinue Reading

Here in the South we enjoy a little thing called rasslin’. Sometimes there’s nothing better than watching your favorite heroes and villains body slamming each other, bouncing off the ropes or taking nose dives into the audience. If you have never been to an actual rasslin’ venue then you don’tContinue Reading

By CT McDonald There are just more than two weeks left in the lacrosse regular season, and local teams are in high gear as they compete in their few remaining league games. Chapin’s varsity boys have won all four of their 5A District 4 matchups with another one on tapContinue Reading