May 16, 2022 As our regular session has ended, for those of you who have not heard, I am retiring from my service in the House and will not seek re-election. Of course, I will represent our great District 85, until the election in November decides my successor. Honor andContinue Reading

HE IS RISEN. Happy Easter to You and Your Family. CROSS OVER WEEK HUGE WIN. Save Women’s Sports Act PASSES the SC House I firmly believe that women should be able to participate in sports with a competitive edge and feel both comfortable and safe. Despite nearly 1,000 amendments fromContinue Reading

State Representative Chip Huggins, serving District 85-Lexington County, will not seek re-election and has announced his retirement from the South Carolina House of Representatives after more than twenty-three years of service.  First elected in 1999, Rep. Huggins is currently Chairman of the House Regulations and Administrative Procedures Committee and servesContinue Reading

House Reapportionment and Vaccine Mandates Redistricting Overview Over the past few months, we have been working to redraw the lines of the South Carolina House districts. Once a decade, the House is tasked with redrawing the lines to accommodate for population shifts as South Carolina continues to grow and change.Continue Reading

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your State Representative in Columbia. With the first year of our two-year session complete, I wanted to share an update on the accomplishments and progress we made. This year was challenging and out of the ordinary in many ways. WeContinue Reading

End of Session This week is National Police Week. Every day, the brave men and women of law enforcement leave their families and put their lives on the line to protect and serve communities around South Carolina. Thank you to police officers for your service. OverviewMeaningful and conservative legislation meantContinue Reading

Did you know? The Palmetto State is ranked 4th in the United States for the number of women-owned businesses, with 170,000 calling South Carolina their home. This week, the South Carolina Senate had ‘Budget Week’, reviewing, debating, and amending the budget the House sent them a few weeks ago. WhenContinue Reading

After the fast and furious week of meeting the crossover deadline, this week, the House returned to work… much of the work being done in committees and subcommittees. Here are a few highlights from legislation we dealt with. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about what we areContinue Reading