The Dutch Fork High School Silver Foxes defeated the White Knoll Timberwolves 66-0 in their first game of the year. Photos by Chris Record GoFlashWin.comContinue Reading

Richland County’s Government and Community Services Department will host a virtual community conversation on civic engagement as part of the Central Carolina Community Foundation’s annual On the Table event. Residents can take part in the hour-long conversation via Zoom at noon October 7 by visiting “After participating in theContinue Reading

Demand for natural gas for home heating, cooking and manufacturing continues to grow in South Carolina, and Dominion Energy has announced it is now serving more than 400,000 natural gas customers. “This exciting milestone speaks to the continued, growing demand for natural gas service in South Carolina,” said Felicia Howard,Continue Reading

Lexington County is seeking public comment regarding its environmental assessment for its proposed runway and hangar-area expansion projects at the Lexington County Airport. County Public Works officials are proposing to extend the existing 4,335-foot runway, designated 18-36, by about 1,165 feet, for a total length of 5,500 feet. The expansionContinue Reading

Lexington and Richland County residents are encouraged to recycle electronics, hazardous waste, scrap metal, tires, cooking oil, to have paper documents shredded on site free of charge and to bring household goods to be reused by Goodwill Industries this Saturday, October 3, from 8 am until noon at Irmo HighContinue Reading

At the school board meeting September 28, the discussion agenda included the topic of District Construction. Mike Montgomery was asked to present the actual cost the district incurred to correct the construction deficiencies in the 2008 referendum projects. The only projects with problems were the renovation projects at Chapin HighContinue Reading

The Big Red Barn Retreat (BRBR) has been named the recipient of a $25,000 Dorothy D. Smith Charitable Foundation grant. The Foundation’s contribution will fund free weekly yoga and tai chi classes for veterans, active duty service members, first responders and their families. Post-traumatic and/or combat-related stress is a criticalContinue Reading

2019 Swansea Graduate Rucker Krasselt has been accepted as a Future Farmers of America (FFA) Degree Candidate. He will be recognized for this prestigious honor in October at the FFA National Convention, which will be held virtually this year. There are a series of FFA degrees that a student canContinue Reading

Tickets on Sale Monday, October 5, 2020 at 10:00 A.M. The Newberry Opera House is thrilled to announce the 2020-21 season featuring theatre, dance, music, and family favorites for all ages. The world has shifted and the Opera House has too, visit to see how the staff, board, volunteers,Continue Reading

By CT McDonald Chapin varsity football kicked-off its new season last week with a win, while other Eagle fall sports teams continued their weeks-long campaigns. The Eagles opened the abbreviated football season with a non-region home game against Lower Richland, and they started to get it under control late inContinue Reading