By: Edward M. “JIB” Colie III So you’ve decided you would like to get an electric car. First thing you need to decide is how you intend to use it. A: Will you plan to use it for around-town errands and commuting? If it is around town, hauling your childrenContinue Reading

By: Edward M “JIB”Colie III Hi there, I’m a new columnist on this beat, but you may recognize my name if you’ve ever read the Lake Murray News.  My “Inland Sea” Column has been a featured column since 1986.  For the past 8 years, I have been driving around theContinue Reading

Akil E. Ross, Sr, Ed.D.Superintendent I am honored to be named superintendent of School District Five of Lexington and RichlandCounties. The tradition of excellence of the schools is a direct reflection of the amazing supportour community provides to the schools. As a result, I intend to use this platform toContinue Reading

Another great weekend on the Inland Sea, keep the distance and enjoy it. Ok, the COVID19 case count is coming down so please don’t forget to mask up. Coming Events on the Inland Sea 2020 Fall Series LMYRA Races. Sept 11 – fall series skippers’ meeting Lake Murray Sailing Club Aug 22,Continue Reading

In our weekly travels: Chapin, South Carolina – The Capital of Lake Murray home of the Labor Day parade This year the Town of Chapin is out of the front-page news now that Mayor David Knight as “calmed” the local political scene. The Town of Chapin is well worth visitingContinue Reading

The Town of Chapin has a distinctive logo, namely a silhouette of a sailboat. As I mentioned last week,  the Crooked Creek Art league has placed 13 sailboat silhouettes each with different art work on each.     This past weekend my wife and I charged up the battery on our 100% electricContinue Reading

The Rodesiler race series results at the Lake Murray Sailing Club So far 8 races have been sailed in the Rodesiler Series. The top five skippers are: Ryan Gaskin, Flying Scot Chris Bowman, MC Scow Alan Gowans, Flying Scot Tom Berens, MC Scow Bud Buckwell, MC Scow Coming Events onContinue Reading

Ok, Husbands and wives, friends and lovers are you ready for the annual LMYRA couples Race? This race can be a real test of teamwork between husband and wife, friends, lovers or a test of their relationship depending on their experience and approach to the racing and sailing in general.Continue Reading