Morgan Nichols, Miss Clemson, was crowned Miss South Carolina 2019 in front of a crowd at Township Auditorium in Columbia June 29. Nichols is a 22-year-old from Lexington and attends Clemson University. She sang Bridge Over Troubled Water for the talent competition. She will receive a $60,000 scholarship and competeContinue Reading

A job fair specifically designed for second chance employers who would like to meet a group of potential employees; service providers who have programs and services for the formerly incarcerated; and Employees who have arrest records and/or have been formerly incarcerated and are looking for gainful employment will be heldContinue Reading

The South Carolina State Fair will present a free outdoor showing of “The Greatest Showman” July 12 on the fairgrounds, 1200 Rosewood Drive. The 2017 film starring Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron will highlight a picnic-styled evening of family entertainment that will include concessions, craft beer and wine, and children’sContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five has launched a new summer program to provide free, fresh produce to Irmo-area families in need. A partnership with Pelion-based farm WP Rawl, the district’s new Farmers’ Market initiative will be held at the Irmo Village Apartments Thursdays, June 20 through August 1, excluding July 4.Continue Reading

The Irmo Farmers Market is held Tuesdays 5 – 8 pm, at the front of The Irmo High School Center for the Arts. Shop for fresh jams, locally roasted coffee, boiled peanuts, kettle corn, artisan made jewelry, landscape paintings, lemonade, bakery items, as well as bedding plants, vegetables and eggs.  ForContinue Reading

Sara Goldsby, Director of the South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS), received the 12th Annual Ramstad/Kennedy Award for Outstanding Leadership this morning (June 6) during the Annual Meeting of the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors Inc. (NASADAD). Established in honor ofContinue Reading