State Representative Chip Huggins, serving District 85-Lexington County, will not seek re-election and has announced his retirement from the South Carolina House of Representatives after more than twenty-three years of service.  First elected in 1999, Rep. Huggins is currently Chairman of the House Regulations and Administrative Procedures Committee and servesContinue Reading

BEER BENEFITTING CANINE FRIENDS Steel Hands Brewing is excited to announce the launch of a new charitable mission, ‘Steel Paws’. Steel Paws will provide year-round support for canine initiatives focused on Public Safety, Special Needs, Public Service and Rescue/Shelters. Steel Paws is intent on making a paws-itive impact. “We wereContinue Reading

‘The Social Event of the Year’ “A Taste of Lake Murray,” presented by Lexington Medical Center, will return on Thursday, March 31. Enjoy live music from the Finesse Band, Cody Webb and Spencer Rush while sampling specialty dishes from area restaurants at the 2022 Taste of Lake Murray. The annualContinue Reading

The fourth annual Cottontown Art Crawl will welcome 115 artists to show and sell their original work in the downtown Columbia neighborhood. The event will be held March 12, from 10 am to 3 pm with more art, more artists, more food and more fun for visitors. In 2019, theContinue Reading

The Girl Scouts are extending the 2022 cookie program through March 20. The request to extend the season comes after volunteers and girls expressed the desire to continue in order to reach goals set at the beginning of the season. The extension is optional for Girl Scouts.” The scouts wereContinue Reading

Nora Hanson of Columbia was recognized at the Statehouse February 24 for receiving two World Karate Titles at the North American Sport Karate Association’s Banquet held recently in Chicago. Hanson is a twelve-year-old straight A student at Irmo Middle School who also plays the violin and soccer. She earned herContinue Reading