On December 10, Richland County EMS staff delivered four ambulances filled with items for children that were donated through the annual Stuff an Ambulance toy drive. The items will benefit Richland County Court Appointed Special Advocates.Continue Reading

By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Sheriff Leon Lott and the Richland County Sheriff’s Department presented 12 ‘Beanie Babies,’ one each to eight little angels and four teenage ballerina angels who performed in Northeast Presbyterian Church’s (NEPC) Christmas cantata, ‘Agnus Dei,’ Sunday, Dec. 12. “These are small tokens of our appreciationContinue Reading

Richland Library is hosting its final pop-up art show of 2021 at Richland Library Ballentine on December 18 from noon – 2 pm. The shows aim to highlight the work of local, emerging visual artists and their personal ties to the specific communities where libraries are located. Stop in toContinue Reading

The eleventh annual “Operation Spread the Joy” (OSJ) campaign is once again collecting items to distribute Christmas Eve morning to Columbia’s homeless. OSJ volunteers are available now through Monday, December 20, at two convenient drop-off locations throughout the Midlands to accept contributions: Debi & Co. Salon, 2401-B Dutch Fork RoadContinue Reading

The FBI Columbia Field Office is warning the public of common holiday scams ahead of the 2021 holiday season. With seasonal shopping in full gear, criminals are set to look for opportunities to take advantage of consumers. The FBI is encouraging shoppers to be vigilant for scams that are designedContinue Reading

By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Dr. Tom Mullikin, chairman of the S.C. Floodwater Commission, was formally “hooded,” officially receiving his Ph.D. during commencement ceremonies at Columbia International University (CIU), Friday, Dec. 10. His doctorate in “Transformational Leadership as a Catalyst to Alter Cultural Attitudes About Climate Change in the EvangelicalContinue Reading