Members of the Lexington County School District One Board of Trustees will review superintendent search applications with the South Carolina School Boards Association on Wednesday, August 10. Board members will review applications intermittently between 9:15 a.m.–12 p.m. at Lexington District One Central Services, located at 100 Tarrar Springs Road inContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five held the Summer Reading Camp celebration July 21. The camp ran from June 13 through July 21. Each student received a bag filled with about 20 books along with resources from the State Public Library. In addition, students also received some supplies and additional books from United Way/Midlands Reading Consortium.Continue Reading

The Book Love Foundation recently awarded a Lexington-Richland School District Five teacher a $2,000 grant to support her classroom library. Irmo Elementary School second grade teacher Sara Wheeler will use the money to expand her classroom library with a variety of relevant and high-interest titles across all genres and contentContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five held the Class of 2022 Adult and Community Education Commencement June 23. Graduates were presented diplomas by Paula Wright, Director of Adult Education and Dr. Michael Harris, School District Five Chief of Student Services and Planning. The Class of 2022 Adult Education graduates included Forrest Addy,Continue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five has named Maddison Paul the new Chief Financial Officer. Paul was approved for the new post during a school board meeting on July 11. “I am excited for the opportunity to lead the award-winning finance team at School District Five and look forward to continuing theContinue Reading

Weissman currently serves as the director of transportation. In this new role, Weissman will supervise the district’s transportation, student nutrition and facilities and technology departments. He was approved for the new post during a school board meeting on July 11. “I’m looking forward to the many challenges this position willContinue Reading