Lexington-Richland School District Five will began enrolling 5-year-old students for kindergarten on January 6.  Registration will take place during regular school office hours, Monday through Friday, excluding school holidays. School District Five will also offer online registration for 5-year-old kindergarten again this year, providing a convenient way for parents to register their students. The application link is available on the district website and all school websites. Parents and guardians may alsoContinue Reading

Chapin High School is partnering with a local business to get students scuba certified through Open Water Dive training.   “This is the first year that Chapin High School has offered Marine Science as an elective science course,” said Wendy Rauch, Marine Science teacher. “Marine Science is an amazing course ofContinue Reading

Two students from Lexington-Richland School District Five have been named Carolina Master Scholars and were recognized during a special ceremony at the University of South Carolina. Zoe Starr (Irmo High) and Luke Vismara (Spring Hill High School) were part of the seventeenth graduating class earning the designation Carolina Master ScholarContinue Reading

Students from School District Five were selected for the SC American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Honor Choir that was held on October 11 – 12 at Charleston Southern University (CSU). Students auditioned and were selected for the choir last spring. There were two choirs for high school students and thereContinue Reading

By Al Dozier The District 5 School Board Monday re-elected the same officers for another term, but it was a divided vote. Robert Gantt, nominated by board member Ed White, will continue to serve as chairman. Beth Hutchison will serve as vice-chair and Michael Cates as secretary. But alternative candidatesContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five received a Technology Innovative Programs (TIPs) Award from the South Carolina Association for Educational Technology (SCAET).   The district’s Making (Healthy) Connections through Reading, Writing and Technology program at Chapin High School will be honored during the South Carolina Association for Educational Technology 2019 Award Ceremony andContinue Reading

School District Five health science teacher, Karen Edwards, has been selected as the 2019 South Carolina Health Science Outstanding Teacher of the Year by South Carolina Health Educators, a division of the South Carolina Association of Career and Technical Education. The award is given annually to recognize teachers that areContinue Reading

District Five has become the first school district in the Midlands and one of the first in South Carolina to offer school telepsychiatry (telepsych). Telepsychiatry – virtual psychiatry visits over video – will help reduce travel time and avoid missed psychiatry appointments for students, school officials say. Through a partnershipContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five will hold the first of two Magnet Fairs November 7 giving families in the district an opportunity to explore offerings at several of its schools.  The event at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies from 5:30 pm to 7 pm will feature a variety of programs,Continue Reading