District Five educator elected president-elect of national health science association

School District Five health science teacher, Karen Edwards, has been elected as the new Health Science Educators Association (HSEA) President-Elect.

“I am honored to serve as President-Elect for a growing association dedicated to supporting Health Science Educators nationally,” Edwards said. “I have an opportunity to share best practices with state leaders and other educators. I am filling my heels as I step into this role shaping the resources, professional development, and curriculum nationally.”

Edwards will serve as President-Elect for one year then move into President for one year finishing as Immediate Past President the 3rd year. She is currently President-Elect for the SC Health Science Educators Association as well.

The HSEA is a branch of the National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSE). NCHSE is a long-standing non-profit organization that represents health science state leaders who are responsible for secondary, postsecondary and adult career technical education (CTE) health science programs. Established in 1991, NCHSE supports visionary state leadership, promotes best practices and speaks with a common voice to enhance high-quality health science education programs and pathways that ensure career success for the next generation of health professionals.

Edwards has been teaching health science for nine years, the last seven years at Spring Hill High School. She teaches all levels of health science along with medical terminology. She has also been involved as an instructor with the National Youth Leadership Forum Medicine Summer Camp and in leadership roles in the SC Health Science Educators Division. She earned her bachelor’s of science degree in athletic training at the University of South Carolina.

“We are happy for Mrs. Edwards and know she will represent Spring Hill High School well,” said Dr. Michael Lofton, Spring Hill High School principal. “We are always excited to have teachers serve in leadership positions that allow them to collaborate with other professionals in their field. We look forward to seeing the innovative strategies that Mrs. Edwards brings to her Health Science classroom as a result of serving in this position.”