Former D5 Board Chairman, Robert Gantt, endorses Tifani Moore

Former school board member, Robert Gantt, has announced his support for Tifani Moore in the special election for the Richland County side of School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties.

After serving on the school board for twenty years, Gantt says he has experience serving with many school board members and knows the traits that make a great school board member.  “Tifani understands that her role as a board member is not to micro-manage the administration.  She will allow the Superintendent who has the years of experience and education needed to manage the day-to-day operations of the school district,” explained Gantt.

Gantt added that Tifani’s experiences as a parent volunteer at multiple schools and at the district level gives her the knowledge that the other candidates don’t have. “As a volunteer leader for years, Tifani has interacted with parents, teachers and administrators. This gives Tifani an understanding of the type of support students, families, and teachers expect from the leadership of the school district.”

“As someone who has a compromised immune system, my family had been extremely vigilant about keeping me safe from the Covid virus, even though I am vaccinated.”  Tifani has stated that she supports the recommendations from DHEC and scientists, which includes wearing masks and other mitigation factors.  “Because of Tifani’s strong stance about keeping children, families and employees safe, she has my support and that of parents who have other children or family members who are immune compromised.

“Tifani is a strong woman who is not beholden to any sitting board members or former board members.  She will be an independent thinker, who will listen to the recommendations from the District’s experts, thoroughly read the support documentation and then vote based on fact, not political pressure.

The special election for the school board will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 12, from 7:00am-7:00pm. 

To find out more about Tifani Moore, visit her Facebook page @mooreforLR5 or visit her website at:  https://tifanimoorefor