Things look a little different this time around. Later start dates; some children staying at home, some attending half-weeks. One thing is for certain: more traffic. Many families have already or will begin to start new routines. They’ll be on the roads at different times and will be congregating aroundContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement on voting against the USPS Fairness Act:  “Although I did vote for the Republican motion to recommit with instructions, I ultimately voted against the USPS Fairness Act. It is disappointing that House Democrats refused to work with Republicans and instead put forward a partisanContinue Reading

Community gifts to the Lexington One Educational Foundation will impact Lexington County School District One students. The River Bluff High School Gator Nation Booster Club held a summer golf tournament fundraiser and donated half of the proceeds to the Lexington One Educational Foundation in an effort to assist students inContinue Reading

  By CT McDonald There is a new baseball championship team based here in the midlands, and its home is west of the Saluda River in Lexington County. West Columbia Post 79 won the South Carolina American League Baseball Summer League (SCALBSL) state championship in a four-team tournament of finalistContinue Reading

Road improvement construction is underway on Amicks Ferry Road at the site of Lexington-Richland School District Five’s new elementary school in Chapin. This work is associated with adding turn lanes along Amicks Ferry Road and Lake Tide Drive in preparation for the opening of Elementary School 13 in the fallContinue Reading