The Lexington-Richland District Five Teacher Forum group will host two D5 School Board Candidate Forums to provide an opportunity to the public to understand school board candidate positions on matters that would impact the safety, group and prosperity of their family and community.  “Teacher Forum is looking forward to servingContinue Reading

The Annual Wreaths Across America Ceremony scheduled for Saturday, December 19, 2020 has been cancelled due to the pandemic. With the very limited number of persons allowed on the cemetery grounds at any one time, the ceremony has been canceled and will not be rescheduled for 2020. HOWEVER, the sponsorshipsContinue Reading

The SOUTH CAROLINA SEVEN (SC7) expedition led by S.C. Floodwater Commission Chairman Tom Mullikin passed through the Midlands last week during their month-long, 500-mile, 90 to 100-plus degree heat trek from the mountains (in the Upstate of S.C.) to the sea (in the Lowcountry). This picture was taken Wed., JulyContinue Reading

Columbia native and Richland Northeast High School graduate Tykena Lindsey is serving aboard USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), which is continuing to conduct operations in the Indo-Pacific region. Lindsey is an aviation boatswain’s mate (handling) airman and maintains the movement and preparation of aircraft on the ship. “I feel greatContinue Reading

The General Assembly was back in session this week primarily to pass important absentee voting measures and to allocate the remaining federal coronavirus aid funds. I’ll quickly recap our actions below. Allowing All South Carolinians to Vote Absentee We acted quickly this week to pass safety measures that give allContinue Reading

On November 3rd there is an opportunity for the voters of Lexington/Richland School District 5 to make real change. Let me share with you the reasons I stand for change.   I am disappointed and dismayed at decisions that are made without the approval of the entire board. We are elected to beContinue Reading

Seven students from Lexington-Richland School District Five have been announced as semifinalists in the National Merit Scholarship program. The academically talented high school students from School District Five are represented in the nationwide pool of semifinalists which represents less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors. “I am proudContinue Reading

Girl Scouts of South Carolina – Mountains to Midlands will honor six Columbia-area women at its annual Women of Distinction Awards Celebration September 24 drive-in movie style. In March, COVID-19 delayed the celebration. The event will be a safe, socially distanced way to recognize these them. If you’ve been wantingContinue Reading

During these uncertain times, the school dilemma is of great concern to many parents, teachers and students. Virtual learning presents difficulties for almost everyone. But attendance inside the school buildings is equally problematic due to fears about illness from the virus. We all feel for families trying to juggle jobs,Continue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson Op-Ed September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. As a father of achildhood cancer survivor, I know first-hand the hardships and sadnesssurrounding a family affected by cancer. This is one of the reasons Ihave worked in Congress for those affected by this terrible disease. I voted in favorContinue Reading