200 Boxes of Face Shields Delivered to State Capitol Building   To aid in reducing the spread of COVID-19, Columbia based digital manufacturer, ZVerse has donated 200 boxes of face shields to members and staff of the South Carolina House and Senate as lawmakers prepare for the start of theContinue Reading

by Anna Wicker “Take a picture of me running while I still can Mama! Take a picture of me now while I still have my long brown hair because in a month from now, I won’t have any.” My dear friend, role model and inspiration, Haley Hughes, is more thanContinue Reading

Matti Evans was your typical 15 year old teenager enjoying sports like cross-country, baseball and track at Dreher High School. This was a young man with no previous health issues and heading into some of the best times of his life. Then it all came to a halt on JuneContinue Reading

Koon’s Watch Have you checked your medicine cabinets lately? You’ll probably find some unused or expired pills. Oct. 24 is the Drug Enforcement Administration’s next Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. This National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, whileContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose with Surb Guram, MD Aspirin has been consumed by humans for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians used aspirin’s ingredients as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. In 2016, Harvard Medical School’s Harvard Health, Robert Shmerling, MD wrote: “Imagine that after years of painstaking research, scientists announced the developmentContinue Reading

Veterans Health Fair on August 29, 2019 at the Brookland Banquet & Conference Center Soldiers Empowerment Group Assisting Military Individuals is sponsoring a free, one day state-wide Veterans Health Fair at the Brookland Banquet & Conference Center located at 1066 Sunset Blvd in Columbia, SC. Booths will be open fromContinue Reading