Part 2—Preparing to See Your Doctor By Mike DuBose and Surb Guram, MD Experts have differing opinions on how often you should see your primary doctor, especially when you are well and symptom-free. We recommend one annual wellness exam with blood analysis, preferably by an internist. Separate visits to theContinue Reading

What the CDC is Not Telling Us By Mike DuBose I didn’t plan to write about COVID-19 again. But, then Columbia native and former neighbor, Dr. Cary Washington, became infected with the coronavirus and died, 30 days after being fully inoculated. WIS-TV and USA Today featured his unexpected death questioning:Continue Reading

By Mike DuBose with Surb Guram, MD Harvard University Medical School reported in July 2021 that one-half of all Americans aged 45 and older take low-dose “baby aspirin” (81 MG) to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and other diseases. And many do so without their doctor’s recommendation or knowing the dangers.Continue Reading

By Mike DuBose with Surb Guram, MD Surprisingly, aspirin has been consumed by humans for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians used willow bark that contained salicin (a primary ingredient in aspirin) as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. The Greek physician Hippocrates prescribed willow leaf tea to help women with theContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose I grew up on a rural, dirt road in Darlington, SC during the 1950’s. We left our doors unlocked at night—we felt safe. As children, we played with friends unsupervised away from our homes; life was simple and happy. We only had a few toys and, notContinue Reading