By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Active and retired Richland County Sheriff’s Department (RCSD) deputies and others gathered at the RCSD Region 3 headquarters and RCSD training facility – the cafeteria-auditorium of the former Denny Terrace Elementary School – for the 23rd annual RCSD Retirees Luncheon, Mon. Mar. 8. Sheriff LeonContinue Reading

Hundreds of deputies later re-sworn By W. Thomas Smith Jr. For the seventh consecutive time since 1997, Leon Lott raised his right hand and was re-sworn as sheriff of Richland County, Tues. morning, Jan. 5. The oath of office was administered at the Richland County Courthouse in downtown Columbia byContinue Reading

By W. Thomas Smith, Jr. The Richland County Sheriff’s Department (RCSD) Victims Services Unit received 13 handmade children’s quilts from the Julie Vanderpool Quilters of Northeast Presbyterian Church, at RCSD headquarters, December 18. The quilts will be provided to children who are placed in emergency protective custody. “This is anotherContinue Reading