Because of staff shortages for contracted trash haulers, Richland County residents might see delays in curbside pickup of garbage and yard waste. The County contracts with several businesses to provide trash collection, and those businesses service different areas. Because of the continued ripple effect of the COVID-19 health crisis, delaysContinue Reading

Vector Control staff are gearing up for Richland County’s annual mosquito-spraying campaign. As part of efforts to control the adult mosquito population, crews will conduct surveillance for the insects, treat larval breeding sites and spray in densely populated areas of the County. Trucks will spray for adult mosquitoes between midnightContinue Reading

A virtual public hearing May 19 will allow residents to give input on an end-of-year report that details Richland County’s use of federal funding to aid low-to-moderate-income residents. The Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) evaluates the county’s progress toward the goals and objectives of its Consolidated Plan. TheContinue Reading

Richland County is giving residents a chance to watch, learn and win prizes during a virtual event centered on gardening and conservation. The Winter Garden Watch Party will feature conservation experts and videos from the County’s Watch and Learn series to advise residents on what they can do now, duringContinue Reading

Richland County’s Finance Department again has earned the highest honor in governmental accounting and financial reporting. For the 37th consecutive year, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) awarded the Richland County Finance Department with the organization’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. An impartial panel recognized the CountyContinue Reading

The Richland County Conservation Commission is making grants worth up to $50,000 available for projects that aim to protect and preserve the county’s rich land and historic places. Nonprofits, neighborhood organizations, governmental agencies, commercial entities and other institutions can apply for the Historic Preservation and Community Conservation grants, which requireContinue Reading