By Al Dozier Lexington-Richland District 5 schools will soon enter the next phase of a reopening plan that will eventually bring most students back to face-to-face classroom instruction, according to announcements at Monday’s board meeting. Superintendent Christian Melton outlined phase 2 of the plan, which brings back K-2nd graders fourContinue Reading

At the school board meeting September 28, the discussion agenda included the topic of District Construction. Mike Montgomery was asked to present the actual cost the district incurred to correct the construction deficiencies in the 2008 referendum projects. The only projects with problems were the renovation projects at Chapin HighContinue Reading

There are many good choices for the Lexington/Richland County School Board election. We are fortunate for that. Having researched the many new candidates there are three that bring a true collaborative, inclusiveness and passion to serve our community. Those candidates are Rebecca Hines, Catherine Huddle and Matt Hogan. The LexingtonContinue Reading

When each of us answers the key question: “What’s in it for my child?’ we have to be honest with ourselves. Not all graduates will be able to do computer work. That has been borne out most painfully with the pandemic. There are many service industries where the stay at home modelContinue Reading

The Lexington-Richland District Five Teacher Forum group will host two D5 School Board Candidate Forums to provide an opportunity to the public to understand school board candidate positions on matters that would impact the safety, group and prosperity of their family and community.  “Teacher Forum is looking forward to servingContinue Reading

Seven students from Lexington-Richland School District Five have been announced as semifinalists in the National Merit Scholarship program. The academically talented high school students from School District Five are represented in the nationwide pool of semifinalists which represents less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors. “I am proudContinue Reading

During these uncertain times, the school dilemma is of great concern to many parents, teachers and students. Virtual learning presents difficulties for almost everyone. But attendance inside the school buildings is equally problematic due to fears about illness from the virus. We all feel for families trying to juggle jobs,Continue Reading