Dr. Kizzi Staley Gibson who is an educational professional and also a candidate for the South Carolina Superintendent of Education offers her support of Haley Griggs in her District Five campaign. Gibson said, “As a professional educator and educational leader for close to 20 years, I understand the importance ofContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement: “On this tragic anniversary, I am grateful for our military who have kept American families safe for 20 years. In my service on the House Floor for over 500 times, I urged ‘We will never forget September 11th and the Global War on Terrorism’ sadly,Continue Reading

During an “Evening with Haley Griggs” campaign event held at the Melting Pot restaurant on Thursday, Griggs received an endorsement from District 88 Representative RJ Maye. “I’m proud to endorse Haley Griggs for school board. Haley knows that decision-making power in education must be squarely in the hands of parentsContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson, Senior Member of the House Armed Services Committee, has issued the following statement after the House Armed Services Committee completed the markup of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2022: “This year’s National Defense Authorization Act reaffirms Congress’s commitment to our men and womenContinue Reading

By Al Dozier The pressure is on lawmakers to return to Columbia and hold an emergency session to revise a law that prohibits mask mandates in schools. The latest push comes from the State Department of Health and Environmental Control. With COVID-19 cases spiking in schools statewide, the board ofContinue Reading

Lexington County Councilwoman Charli Wessinger joined the growing list of supporters of Nurse Practitioner Haley Griggs in the special election for District Five School Board, where controversial former Trustee Ed White resigned his long-time seat under unusual circumstances. “I’ve been involved in civic activism in our community for quite aContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson has issued the following statement calling on Joe Biden and other administration officials to resign after putting American families at risk: “American families are more at risk of a terrorist attack than ever before. August 31, 2021 is a day of infamy. The Biden administration’s unconditional surrenderContinue Reading

By Al Dozier The pressure is on lawmakers to return to Columbia and hold an emergency session to revise a law that prohibits mask mandates in schools. The latest push comes from the State Department of Health and Environmental Control. With COVID-19 cases spiking in schools statewide, the board ofContinue Reading