You can now renew your South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV) beginner’s permit or identification card at The new transaction is available for eligible South Carolinians and is another way citizens can complete their SCDMV business from the comfort of home during the COVID-19 pandemic. “These transactions utilizeContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement on voting against the USPS Fairness Act:  “Although I did vote for the Republican motion to recommit with instructions, I ultimately voted against the USPS Fairness Act. It is disappointing that House Democrats refused to work with Republicans and instead put forward a partisanContinue Reading

Today, Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement announcing this year’s Annual Bus Tour of South Carolina’s Second District:    “I always look forward to the Annual Bus Tour of South Carolina’s Second District. This year we have faced unprecedented times so, I will be visiting businesses and organizations inContinue Reading

State agriculture officials are warning South Carolinians to be wary of unsolicited packages of seeds mailed to them. The South Carolina Department of Agriculture and Clemson University’s Regulatory Services division are working together to investigate after residents reported receiving packages they did not order. Similar reports, many involving addresses fromContinue Reading

South Carolinians can now file complaints about vehicle dealers faster with the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV). Customers now have the option to visit (File a Dealer Complaint) to submit a complaint about licensed dealers in South Carolina. “Customers take a lot of time to research vehicles,Continue Reading

Projects and activities aimed at addressing the needs of low-to-moderate-income people and communities in Richland County will be the focus of an upcoming virtual meeting. The County’s Community Development Department will discuss its Annual Action Plan for the 2020-2021 fiscal year at 5 pm August 13. The virtual hearing willContinue Reading

As the Coronavirus continues to attack, it is important to stay healthy and safe. Please use the below information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to help keep you, your family, and your friends protected against this disease. SymptomsThis illness has been recorded with a spectrum of severity, fromContinue Reading