By CT McDonald Second round competition of the South Carolina American League Baseball Summer League (SCALBSL) playoffs will wrap up this week with one local area midlands team still in the mix at midweek. After Monday’s first game of the best-of-three second round featuring West Columbia Post 79 and FlorenceContinue Reading

Chapin High School varsity cheerleader Sarah Miller has been named the South Carolina High School League (SCHSL) Division 5A Cheerleader of the Year. “I’m so honored to receive this award and couldn’t be more grateful to have been on a team with the hardest working group of girls I know,”Continue Reading

By CT McDonald Local South Carolina American League Summer Baseball (SCALSB) teams got the playoffs started early this week in the best-of-three format, with second round games set to begin before week’s end. West Columbia Post 79 completed the regular season as the undisputed winner of the Midlands Division andContinue Reading

ACC Announces Plans for Football and Fall Olympic Sports   GREENSBORO, N.C. ( – The Atlantic Coast Conference recognizes the uncertain and challenging environment all areas of our society are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Intercollegiate athletics is just one area that we must address as we work to return toContinue Reading

Dutch Fork High School varsity football coach and athletic director Tom Knotts has been named the 2019 National High School Football Coaches Association (NHSCA) National Football Coach of the Year.  The award is presented jointly with High School Football America. “I am proud to be named National Coach of theContinue Reading

Karlee Vardas keeps piling up the hardware and the Lexington Wildcat Junior who has committed to Georgia Southern earned SC Coaches Association Women’s 5A Golf Player of the Year.  “It’s a great honor and means a lot to be recognized for this award. I worked hard and it paid off,”Continue Reading

Karlee Vardas won the Class 5A state individual championship in a playoff while her Lexington wildcat team placed second.  “It was crazy coming down the stretch. I was in a good position but the girl I was competing with birdied three out of the last four to Tie,” Vardas said.Continue Reading