The Lexington County School District One Educational Foundation recently received a $1,500 grant from the Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation to assist students in need. The grant is very timely, as many of students’ families have been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and have been unable to work dueContinue Reading

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott was named to the board of directors of the South Carolina Black Belt Hall of Fame, Tues., Sept. 15. “Having Sheriff Lott serve on our board reflects our gratitude at the highest level for his character and commitment,” said SCBBHOF Pres. Mike Genova. “His supportContinue Reading

Secretary of State Mark Hammond joins Richland County Sheriff, SLED, and Homeland Security in Counterfeit Merchandise Raid on NewImageSC. South Carolina Secretary of State Mark Hammond announced today the seizure of over $300,000.00 in counterfeit merchandise in Richland County. This seizure followed a six-month investigation by local, state and federalContinue Reading

American Legion Riders Sandy Run Post 156 will host the 1st Annual Bike show & Bar-B-Q in Gaston on November 14, 2020. Registration for bikes will begin at 10 am.  The event is scheduled for 10 am -3 pm. There will be door prizes, bike judges, and 50/50 raffles. MusicContinue Reading

You’re running errands, bringing in groceries, heading back in the house to grab something—whatever the reason, you’ve left your car unlocked. Maybe you left a set of spare keys in the glove compartment as a backup. I get it, you’re busy and you shouldn’t have to lock your vehicle becauseContinue Reading

“Death’s Shadow,” a virtual performance presented by the Friends of the Irmo Branch Library Join the Friends of the Irmo Branch Library for an evening of murder, mystery and fun as they bring you an interactive murder mystery play, “Death’s Shadow.” The production will come directly to your own livingContinue Reading

Chief Terrence Green would like to let the Town of Lexington community know that an arrest was made minutes after an armed robbery that happened overnight at the 7 Eleven located at 4301 Sunset Boulevard.     At approximately 4:00 a.m., officers were dispatched to the 7 Eleven for an armedContinue Reading

It’s never too early to start thinking about and preparing for college! To assist parents of elementary through middle school students with this process, Parent Advocates for Gifted Education in Lexington-Richland School District Five (PAGE Five) will host a webinar entitled “How to Plan and Pay for College 101” onContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement on the announcement of a normalization agreement between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain:   “Today’s announcement of a US-brokered peace agreement between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain is an achievement of historic proportions. I want to commend President Donald Trump forContinue Reading