Footprints, splatter patterns and the powers of observation mark the journey through The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes, opening this Saturday, January 18, at the South Carolina State Museum. The interactive experience combines science with history and culture to bring to life the historic underpinnings of author Sir Arthur ConanContinue Reading

January 20 – 11 – 3 pm, FREE COGNITIVE SCREENINGS Every wonder, “Is my forgetfulness part of normal aging or is it more?” Johnsie Douglas, MEd, LPC, with Right at Home will be on hand to administer the Saint Louis University Mental Status Exam (SLUMS), a widely used and briefContinue Reading

The Greater Columbia Rose Society will be holding its first meeting of the New Year January 19. The meeting will be held at Prisma Health Richland Hospital 9 Richland Medical Park Drive, Room 130 at 3 pm. Guest Speaker Bill Patterson, Owner of Roses Unlimited will speak on the differentContinue Reading

The South Carolina Wildlife Federation (SCWF) is expanding their event Forks Knives, and Spoonbills: A Dinner Celebrating Conservation by hosting three dinners in the spring of 2020. Partnering restaurants include Spotted Salamander (Columbia), The Anchorage 1770’s Ribaut Social Club (Beaufort) and Passerelle Bistro (Greenville). Each dinner will feature a six-courseContinue Reading

The SC Green Industry Association (SCGIA) will bring together more than 150 exhibitors and more than 20 industry speakers to cover an range of landscape topics during a two-day Conference and Trade Show held at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center on January 21 and 22. The Trade Show and educationContinue Reading

The Chapin Garden Club invites you to their January meeting where Zack Steinhauser from Wingard’s Nursery will speak on The Conservation of Purple Martins. The date is Wednesday, January 22nd at 10:00 a.m. at the Lexington Sheriff Sub Station, 102 Columbia Ave., Chapin.   There is no charge for the programContinue Reading

The South Carolina Troopers Association Big Bass Tournament scheduled for November 10 has been delayed until next spring. It was to be held at Dreher Island on Lake Murray. Proceeds from the event when held will support the SCTAF’s mission of supporting South Carolina State Troopers, Department of Public SafetyContinue Reading