The Heisman Trophy Trust announced the 2022 School Winners for the Heisman High School Scholarship and three Lexington-Richland School District Five students are recipients. Veronica Cain (Chapin High), Nya Singletary (Irmo High), and Ethan von Ahn (Spring Hill High) were chosen from a pool of thousands of high school scholar-athletesContinue Reading

Army veteran, former State Guard commander addresses Midlands-area universities By Alex Junes-Ward Maj. General (Ret.) Tom Mullikin, former commanding general of the S.C. State Guard and a veteran U.S. Army officer, spoke to audiences at both Columbia International University (CIU) and the University of South Carolina (USC) as part ofContinue Reading

Discussions range from family to recruiting to fitness By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott welcomed Brig. General Jason E. Kelly, U.S. Army, to Richland County Sheriff’s Department (RCSD) headquarters in Columbia for an informal meeting between the two senior chiefs, Tuesday, Oct. 25. Among the discussionContinue Reading

Editor’s Note Barbara was dearly loved by our newspapers and a great influence on the towns that those newspapers serve. Through her leadership at Lexington Medical Center, she brought much-needed medical centers to many of our coverage areas throughout the Midlands. Her support of the Okra Strut brought it fromContinue Reading

Barbara Duncan Willm, “Babz”, loving wife, mother, grandmother, and Queen of the Sunrise Club, passed away peacefully on October 17, 2022. She lived with cancer for nearly six years, and lived each day to the fullest. A funeral service will be held at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral on Thursday, October 20,Continue Reading

Get your YELLOWSTONE ON in Blythewood. The Blythewood Fall Festival Rodeo presentedby The Town of Blythewood rides into its new locationat 10433 Wilson Blvd,Blythewood on Friday, October 28 and Saturday, October 29, 2022. Gates Open at 5:30and the Rodeo starts at 7:30 each night. Mark your Calendars and Get yourContinue Reading

Halloween fun returns to the South Carolina State Museum this October with a lineup of shows and events. Guests are invited to enjoy a full month of activities, including a new 4D film, Dark History Tours, a special themed “Fright” Night Laser Lights event and more. “Our Halloween activities areContinue Reading

South Carolina Floodwater Commission chair honored in Texas By Alex Junes-Ward Dr. Tom Mullikin, chairman of the S.C. Floodwater Commission and a member of the S.C. Black Belt Hall of Fame (SCBBHOF), earned high martial arts laurels when he was promoted to 9th-degree black belt by the High Dan Board,Continue Reading

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2022 | GATES: 1:00 PM | CONCERT: 2:00 PM | @SWAMP CABBAGE BREWING CO. Chamber Crawl brings small ensembles to your favorite neighborhood watering holes, and we’re heading to downtown Columbia for a beautiful afternoon at Swamp Cabbage Brewing Company (921 Brookwood Dr, Columbia, SC 29201)! DoorsContinue Reading