I have served on this school board for over 15 years. During that time I have always worked for the benefit of all of our students and staff, as well as our taxpayers.                                                       Years ago I fought for rebuilding the old academic portion of Irmo High School. That shouldContinue Reading

Fourteen Lexington-Richland School District Five students have been awarded the prestigious South Carolina Teaching Fellowship. The 14 students who were selected will receive up to $24,000 in fellowship funds from the program while they complete a degree leading to initial teacher certification. The students include: Emma Carter (Chapin High, ClemsonContinue Reading

Three Lexington-Richland School District Five educators have qualified to become South Carolina Financial Literacy Master Teachers. Launched in January 2020, this innovative program was designed to increase the number of teachers incorporating personal finance education into their classrooms across the K-12 spectrum. Elizabeth Magee (Project SEARCH), Bonnie Robinson (Irmo High),Continue Reading

by Sarah Ostergard It’s summer vacation. I know what you’re thinking — this is the perfect time to teach financial literacy.  No? Please keep reading anyway.   Parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents – we can have fun, keep the children occupied, and model financial literacy concepts through hands-on experiences this summer. FinancialContinue Reading

District Five students Nitya and Kelsey were named the Rotary Club of Lake Murray-Irmo’s Service above Self May Students of the Month. “Nitya is always ready to volunteer and help others out. She recently helped the District with a grant and volunteered her time outside of school to collect waterContinue Reading