Sophie Wang, who plays violin with the Philharmonic, introduces herself and performs Recitativo & Scherzo, Op. 6 by Fritz Kreisler. Enjoy the performances of our musicians as they bring symphonic music from their homes to yours. For more videos From Our Homes to Yours, visit Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five is partnering with The Hayden Hurst Family Foundation to implement social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum into classrooms. The district has signed a memorandum of understanding to utilize “In Focus” books and classroom lessons that will help train teachers and grow social-emotional skills for students. “This partnershipContinue Reading

Nursery Road Elementary School-Arts Magnet (NRES-AM) has received a $10,000 Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC) grant from the SC Arts Commission for the 4th consecutive year.The ABC grant provides three years of support to schools and school districts committed to implementing standards-based arts curricula and to making the arts anContinue Reading

This week marks three years since Columbia-based non-profit Serve & Connect launched Greg’s Groceries, a program that provides police departments with boxes of non-perishable food to share with individuals and families in need. Greg’s Groceries is named in honor of Greg Alia, a Forest Acres Police Officer killed in theContinue Reading

Palmetto Primary Care Physicians (PPCP) is now offering the Abbott ID NOW COVID-19 Molecular Test. The test is available to their 200,000+ patients and the general public in all three of their markets in Charleston, Columbia and Myrtle Beach. The test is covered by most insurances and is used toContinue Reading

You can now renew your South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV) beginner’s permit or identification card at The new transaction is available for eligible South Carolinians and is another way citizens can complete their SCDMV business from the comfort of home during the COVID-19 pandemic. “These transactions utilizeContinue Reading

As colleges prepare to reopen this fall, Richland County Government wants to help students combat food insecurity, a problem the COVID-19 health crisis has exacerbated for many. Richland County Council, along with the County’s Department of Government and Community Services (GCS), recognizes the importance of helping students combat food insecurity,Continue Reading