Teacher earns statewide teaching award

River Springs Elementary physical education teacher, Ben Landers, has been selected as the 2019 South Carolina Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year by the South Carolina Association for Physical Education and Sport (SCAPES).

The award is given annually to a teacher who shows a passion for teaching physical education. Each state, and district recognizes a teacher of the year for secondary level, higher education, elementary and adaptive level.

“It is very humbling and a huge honor to be recognized as the State Physical Education Teacher of the Year,” Landers said. “I was really pumped to be nominated and then to be selected with so many amazing teachers in South Carolina. I am just really proud and happy to be recognized as a leader.”

Landers has been teaching physical education for 13 years. He earned his bachelor’s degree in physical education from the University of South Carolina and also received his master’s in administration from the University of South Carolina. He has also achieved National Board Certification in physical education.

Landers also created a blog called “The PE Specialist” in hopes of inspiring teachers to inspire students. He was recognized by ThePhysicalEducator.com as having the best #PhysEd blog for 2018.

“I am just trying to share as much as I can and help other teachers,” Landers said. “Many times physical education teachers feel like they are on an island because they are the only teacher and there isn’t anyone to collaborate with so I am trying to get online and help teachers, especially new teachers who are trying to figure things out.”

River Springs Elementary principal Matt Gams said, “Mr. Landers is a true professional. He provides engaging instruction to his students at River Springs Elementary School, and he is a leader in professional development in our district, state, and nation. We are proud that he calls River Springs his home.”

Landers will be presented his award during the South Carolina Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance annual conference November 15-17 in Myrtle Beach.

To see Landers’ most recent work, visit ThePESpecialist.com.