By now many of you have heard the devastating news of long time Chapin business, Ellett Brothers, closing their doors. In light of this unfortunate news, the Town of Chapin and the Greater Chapin Chamber of Commerce have partnered to put together the Chapin Job Fair. The event will beContinue Reading

The Richland County Assessor’s Office has completed its 2019 countywide reassessment and anticipates mailing out reassessment notices at the end of the month. In accordance with state law, a reassessment is conducted every five years to ensure all real property is valued fairly. Richland County has 173,700 parcels of realContinue Reading

Followers of today’s political news are treated to plenty of fireworks, fanfare and theatrics. There’s talk of contempt charges and constitutional crises, of tariffs and of the emergence of socialism in American politics. Presidential candidates are making grand promises and are ratcheting up the rhetoric as they elbow for theContinue Reading

Former Deputy Sheriff and Regional Commander David Arnold has announced his run for Lexington County Sheriff in 2020. A veteran with more than 30 years in law enforcement, Arnold announced his candidacy in front of a group of supporters at the Flight Deck Restaurant in Lexington. “There is one yearContinue Reading

In response to an increased need for asphalt workers across the state, the non-profit South Carolina Asphalt Pavement Association (SCAPA) and its members have launched Asphalt Works., a statewide workforce development campaign that aims to spread the message about opportunities for advancement within the asphalt industry — and repair theContinue Reading

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your State Representative in Columbia. With the first session of the 123rd General Assembly ending earlier this month, I am including an update on the accomplishments in the South Carolina House of Representatives over the past few months. During hisContinue Reading

Overview The House gaveled to a close this week after dozens of bills and the Sine Die Resolution passed both the House and Senate. This was the first year of a two-year session that focused primarily on transformative education reform, presenting a balanced and efficient budget, solutions for Santee Cooper,Continue Reading

Overview I hope everyone had a great spring break and Easter weekend. With two weeks left of session and the crossover deadline behind us, we have a busy few weeks ahead as we begin to take up bills from the Senate. Heartbeat Bill Passes The Heartbeat Bill, H. 3020, passedContinue Reading

This week was another busy week in Columbia. Progress was made on the comprehensive education reform bill and this year’s budget was successfully passed out of the Ways and Means Committee. The 2019-2020 budget is built on the foundation of protecting taxpayers, a renewed commitment to being resourceful and efficient,Continue Reading

It’s good to be home! After session ended last Thursday, I headed out on another mission trip with my company, Movement Mortgage. Partnering with International Cooperating Ministries, the Movement Foundation has more than 30 churches currently being built in Guatemala. Spending time in Central America again and visiting these villagesContinue Reading

It’s hard to believe that Tuesday marked my twelfth and final council meeting of 2018. It has been a great year for the Town and Tuesday’s Council Meeting did not disappoint. We had two informative presentations as well as a proclamation. Camden Meetze, Chapin High Student, presented her Gold AwardContinue Reading