Letter to the Editor: The Mueller “Report” is finally officially, mostly published.  The only few sentences missing are those that can only be released by a Federal Judge.  In fact, the real conclusion of the Mueller report was stated by Peter Strok  (then member of the Mueller team) almost twoContinue Reading

Dear Editor, Crickentree Golf Course was purchased by a Texas developer with hopes of striking it rich in our backyard. The investor understood the odds of Richland County ultimately approving their request to build up to 1600 homes on the land was a safe gamble. Back room politics and payoffsContinue Reading

Letter to the Editor: For the 2020 presidential election all of the Lib/Dems from Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez through Bernie Sanders, all believe that America should be totally managed by some type/form of Democrat Socialism.  This is especially astounding since every time tried, it’s been an abject total failure, starting no furtherContinue Reading

Letter to the Editor: Don Carlson I feel like I’m on a somewhat literary vacation. How You Ask! In the last weeks Lake Murray News Ms. Miriam Johnson, PhD, MSW, MS and presumably BS, gave us a litany of reasons as to why she did or did not hate PresidentContinue Reading

Letter to the Editor: by Don Carlson People, who as a society ignore the dubious machinations of purported leaders inevitably bring their governments to inevitable destruction.  In the recent past, we’ve witnessed these societal disasters, culminating in the killing of millions of their own citizens.  All of these tragedies began withContinue Reading

Open Letter   In the November 1, 2018 edition of the Lake Murray News, Paul DuPre wrote the following; “They (critics of the former District 5 Board) shriek about financial mismanagement after scrutinizing D5 finances, they have never found a penny out of place, not even a penny.” The firstContinue Reading

A respected former School District 5 Superintendent once stunned our community by describing the atmosphere created by some disgruntled citizens as a witch hunt. He was right. The recent misleading letter by Don Carlson indicates the witch hunt continues. Carlson claims D5 “understate(s) revenue…and overstate(s) cost.” Allegations of cooking theContinue Reading