Dr. Kizzi Staley Gibson who is an educational professional and also a candidate for the South Carolina Superintendent of Education offers her support of Haley Griggs in her District Five campaign. Gibson said, “As a professional educator and educational leader for close to 20 years, I understand the importance ofContinue Reading

During an “Evening with Haley Griggs” campaign event held at the Melting Pot restaurant on Thursday, Griggs received an endorsement from District 88 Representative RJ Maye. “I’m proud to endorse Haley Griggs for school board. Haley knows that decision-making power in education must be squarely in the hands of parentsContinue Reading

Lexington County Councilwoman Charli Wessinger joined the growing list of supporters of Nurse Practitioner Haley Griggs in the special election for District Five School Board, where controversial former Trustee Ed White resigned his long-time seat under unusual circumstances. “I’ve been involved in civic activism in our community for quite aContinue Reading

Former School Board Trustee, Ed White, has announced his support for Tifani Moore in the special election for the Richland County side of School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties. “Tifani Moore is an independent voice who will put the needs of ALL children first,” explained Ed White.  Moore is a motherContinue Reading

School Board Trustees Jan Hammond and Catherine Huddle have announced their support for Haley Griggs in the special election for the Richland side of Lexington-Richland School District Five. In her endorsement, Hammond said, “Haley Griggs has the kind of fresh perspective we need in members of the school board. IContinue Reading

Local businessman and community volunteer Jeff Herring has filed as a candidate in the Oct. 12 special election for the Lexington-Richland District 5 school board. Herring – a graduate of District 5 schools and the father of a Spring Hill High senior — is running for an open Richland CountyContinue Reading

Haley Griggs, a District Five parent and Nurse Practitioner at South Carolina Internal Medicine’s Irmo office, has entered the Special Election for Lexington-Richland Five School Board. The election will take place in the Richland County portion of the district on October 12th from 7am-7pm. “The encouragement I’ve received from parents,Continue Reading

Newcomer Matt Hogan ousted veteran trustee Robert Gantt in Tuesday’s election for a Richland County seat on the District 5 School Board. Hogan received 10,127 votes, according to unofficial returns released Wednesday by the county election office. Gantt, the board’s longest-serving member, received 8,336. Newcomer Jane Westbury came in thirdContinue Reading

Catherine Huddle and Rebecca Blackburn Hines emerged victorious Tuesday in the heated contest for two Lexington County seats on the District 5 School Board. Huddle was the night’s leading vote-getter with 10,757, according to preliminary totals from the County Election Commission. Hines came in second with 8,842. Trailing were April AlsupContinue Reading

There are several reasons for a needed change on the current school board. The most important one is the lack of fiscal responsibility. Another is the lack of planning and equity spending on our existing schools in the Irmo area. One example was the decision made to spend money onContinue Reading